Thursday, July 30, 2020

Online Drop-in Office Hours starting Sept. 9

Dear Students,

I thought it may be helpful to share and highlight a new library service starting in Fall:  Online, Open, Drop-in Office Hours.

We will start with 3 days of the week during the lunch hour, M, W, and Th.  You can drop in to ask questions about library related matters. Bobi, Carolyn and I will take turns one day of the week each to be available in real time to help.

Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Copyright Law and Course Reserves (Fall 2020)

Guidelines for LPTS Faculty and Staff  | Fall 2020 Online Learning #COVID19

LPTS is committed to compliance with U.S. copyright law, but understanding how to apply the law in relation to course reserve readings is not always easy. The guidelines presented here are offered to help LPTS faculty and staff comply with the law. The Library cannot offer legal advice about Copyright Law. It is the faculty/instructor of record's responsibility to comply with the copyright laws in the distribution of course materials.

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Finding Royalty-free Images

In some courses you may be asked to add images to an assignment, or create an image collage for an assignment. Since almost everything on the Internet is the intellectual property of someone, even if it isn't explicitly stated, here are instructions to help you comply with copyright law while searching for and using images created by others.

Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Logging into Google Classroom

Logging into Google Classroom

By Dr. Sue Garrett, revised by Carolyn Cardwell

Instructions for logging into Google Classroom on a laptop or desktop (instructions for logging in on a phone are below)
  1. Be sure you have your userid and password ready.
  2. Go to   If you aren’t already logged in to Google with this account you will be asked to log in or change to this account.

Friday, July 3, 2020

Recent Additions to the Anti-racism Digital Library

John at the March, Summer 2020
Created by our beloved community members, we have short essays which have been added to the Anti-racism Digital Library. John Randolph and Adrian Baker wrote their reflections especially for the ADL. The essays show how Christian imagination, faith, truthful living, and witnessing become anti-racism-in-action when we follow Jesus Christ with all our heart, mind, body and soul, like God commands.