Friday, August 21, 2020

Human Subjects / Research Ethics Training

Dear LPTS Researchers,

The Louisville Seminary Institutional Review Board recommends the University of Illinois Chicago Center for Clinical and Translational Science Certification course, available at no cost. 

To access the course: 

1.      Set up a new account with the UIC Center for Clinical and Translational Science
1.      Be sure to choose Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary 

2.      Check your email for confirmation.

3.      Go to and press Enroll. Course title will be CIRTification: Community Involvement in Research Training

4.      You will be prompted to log in, and then press Enroll again.

5.      Follow the instructions to take the course.

6.      At the end of the course, you should receive a certification that you completed and passed the course. Please make sure to save this so that you can forward it to the Dean, Chair of the IRB.

If you have any questions about setting up your UIC CCTS account, or run into any troubles accessing the course, please contact a member of the IRB as follows: 

Faculty and MDiv program students - Dr. Debra Mumford, Dean and Chair of the IRB
 MAMFT program students - Dr. Loren Townsend
MAR and DMin program students - Dr. Anita Coleman 

Members of the Institutional Review Board, Louisville Seminary