

The library uses a number of systems to deliver electronic resources. The links on this page point to two of our primary systems and show if they are working normally or experiencing scheduled shutdowns, outages, timeouts, and more.  They are made available here to help you troubleshoot your online library access. In addition, we also highlight the status of some of the more traditional Library Services.

EBSCO Research Databases and eBook Collections 

When EBSCO ebooks and EBSCO Research Databases are not operational, access to our library's databases and ebooks is affected.

EZ-Proxy Hosted (OCLC)

When EZ Proxy Hosted is down, remote access is unavailable. 

We share this information in the hope that this increases understanding and improves your experience of accessing electronic resources at E.M. White Library. We welcome your feedback.  

Status of Traditional Library Services

Course Reserves in CAMS | Laptop Borrowing (started Sept. 8) | Contact-less Book Borrowing (pilot started 09/29/20)  | Safe Reopening (in process, currently building and collections are open only to the library staff)

Digital Library Services  include Ask a Librarian | Chat with a Librarian | Schedule a Consultation | Take a Library Class/Workshop | Remote Access | Online Help Desk | With Much Love (this library portal)

E.M. White Library Online Help Desk: library@lpts.edu