
We offer many opportunities to help the LPTS community learn to be competent, critical, and confident information consumers, scholars, and researchers.  The Library's Instruction Program is under revision but the following are available: 
1. Learn on Your Own
2. Ask A Librarian / Chat with a Librarian
3. Research Consultations
4. Orientation, Workshops, and Classes

Each of these is further described below. 
Learn on Your Own: Credo InfoLit - InfoLit is a first year undergraduate level, self-guided, approximately 7.5 to 10 hours long course that you can take on your own (remote access login required). The materials in this course have been designed to provide a foundation in information literacy and critical thinking. We are investigating this as a potential Library 101 for all incoming students. There is a pre-test and a post-test. Topics are divided among nine sections, a total of 77 content which includes texts, video tutorials, and quizzes. The average video length is 3.5 minutes, the average quiz or tutorial takes about 7 minutes to complete, and the pre and post test take approximately 20 minutes. The nine sections are:  1. Getting Started With Research; 2. Sources of Information; 3. Searching for Information; 4. Evaluating Information; 5. Presenting Research and Data; 6. Citations and Academic Integrity; 7. Visual and Quantitative Literacy; 8. Using Critical Thinking and Logic; 9. Culture and Citizenship. Remote access by clicking on link above. Need help or have questions? Contact the Help Desk.

Ask a Librarian / Chat with a Librarian / FAQ

Orientation, Classes, and Courses 

Orientations: Library orientations are offered to new students and faculty, upon request.

Classes are available on the following topics: Searching in APA-PyschInfo | ATLA Scripture Hierarchy Record and Searching | Ebooks | Ejournals | Morgan-Discovery | Intro to With Much Love: E.M. White Library PortalLiterature Review / Literature Searching | Zotero, Personal Research Assistant | How to Cite | Formatting Guide for DMIN and MA program project reports.

Calendar of Library Classes is forthcoming.

Courses: Research Methods and Practices, SM 2003 course (3 credit units) - Fall 2021
Browse the course Information Research Toolbox that was created for Spring 2020 students; it may be helpful to students in the MAR program who are writing research papers and need detailed descriptions of research databases. Course is generally offered in Spring in even years. MAR degree requirement. 

Instructional Materials 

Portal - With Much Love, our new library website is the front door to the library. We are using COVID-19 as an opportunity to re-imagine and re-create the library's instructional program, services, research databases, ebook collections and more. The portal has all details, and is remotely accessible.

Research Guides / Bibliographies

Videos - Subscribe to the library's YouTube channel to learn from videos created by the library team.

Social Media - Follow us on Facebook @lptslibrary and @inforesearch and Twitter @lptslibrary to stay informed and keep on learning! We started exploring library instruction via FB, in Spring semester, and are beginning to use Twitter. We welcome your participation and feedback. 

  • Videos from EBSCO (one of our major database provider):

  1. Basics of EBSCOHost Interface (searching, print, save, email results)

  2. How to Create an EBSCO Account (using Google Sign-in; to use for borrowing Audiobooks and more) 

  3. How to Search PsychInfo Using Thesaurus Terms   

Last updated: 14 April, 2021