LPTS DMin Project Report Formatting | Style | Citation Guide (October 2020) - Download pdf
This guide covers the basics of academic writing of the Doctor of Ministry (DMin) Project Report in one place: guidelines for formatting papers correctly; writing style tips; examples of citations for a variety of sources, and abbreviations for books of the Bible.
For Project Report formatting and review help, please email library at lpts dot edu.
Library Research and Help
Access to Research Databases, Ebook Collections, Library Catalog, and More
Please use the navigation links above and on the side for 24/7 remote access to the library's vast digital collections and the library catalog. A few resources are also highlighted below on topics of particular interest and help to DMIN students. These include: Anti-racism, Dissertations, Basic Information Literacy skills, and Research Ethics Training aka Human subjects certification.
For research consultations, please contact Dr. Anita Coleman, Professor of Bibliography and Research and Director, E.M. White Library, at acoleman at lpts dot edu.
For general library help, remote access credentials or to borrow/return books, email library at lpts.edu.
The Anti-racism Digital Library is curated by Dr. Coleman and is an excellent source. For definitions in anti-racism, please consult the Glossary and Thesaurus in the Anti-racism Digital Library, here.Dissertations
To find past dissertations by LPTS DMin students, check out the Research in Ministry database. Research in Ministry® (RIM®) is a free thesis and dissertation abstract database where users can search for and share the outcomes of research conducted in graduate programs of study related to ministry, theology and religion. The RIM database is maintained by ATLA and contains over 14,000 records compiled since its time as a paper index.
To find open access dissertations, use PQDT. PQDTprovides the full text of open access dissertations and theses free of charge.You can search by subject, author, and other terms. For example, here is a link to Dr. Justin Reed's dissertation:
Justin Reed. 2020. The Injustice of Noah's Curse and the Presumption of Canaanite Guilt: A New Reading of Genesis 9: 18-29. Princeton Theological Seminary. https://www.proquest.com/docview/2442814406?accountid=201395
Library Instruction
InfoLit is a first year undergraduate level, self-guided, approximately 7.5 to
10 hours long course that you can take on your own (remote access login
required, use this link). The materials in this course have
been designed to provide a foundation in information literacy and
critical thinking. There is a pre-test and a post-test. Topics
are divided among nine sections, a total of 77 content which includes
texts, video tutorials, and quizzes. The average video length is 3.5
minutes, the average quiz or tutorial takes about 7 minutes to complete,
and the pre and post test take approximately 20 minutes. Remote access by clicking on this link.
Need help or have questions? Contact the Help Desk. Details about the library instruction program, including classes and courses available can be found on this digital library, here.
Research Ethics Training (aka Human Subjects Certification)
The Louisville Seminary Institutional Review Board
recommends the University of Illinois Chicago Center for Clinical and Translational Science Certification
course, available at no cost. Details here.
Doctor of Ministry - For information about the program at LPTS
DMin Program Contact Information:
Office of Doctor of Ministry Programs
Louisville Seminary
800.264.1839 ext. 291
Dr. Angela Cowser, acowser@lpts.edu - on sabbatical in Summer and Fall 2021
Associate Dean of Black Church Studies and Doctor of Ministry Programs
Dr. Dianne Reistroffer, dreistroffer@lpts.edu - Dean during Dr. Cowser's sabbatical
Ms. Melody Hall, mhall@lpts.edu
Administrative Assistant to Black Church Studies and Doctor of Ministry Programs