I am delighted to share that your friendly new librarians Burton and Jill are eager to help you. Light at the end of the tunnel, laughter, and learning with your librarians along the way 😊. Join us!
What: Ask a Librarian - Live online chat!
When: 10 am to 2 pm on Nov. 16, Mon 17, Tues, Wed. 18, and Thurs. 19; Friday 10 - 12 noon
Why: We want to help you find library resources -- e-books, journal articles, commentaries, citation manuals, etc. -- or just about anything!
How: Simply click the “Chat with a librarian” button on the Help Desk Page of the Library Portal to initiate a chat. Chat sessions can also seamlessly transition to Zoom to facilitate communication and instruction.
Photo: National Library of Sweden, Stockholm.