Starting Monday, March 1, 2021, E..M. White Library will move into Phase 3 of our Safe and Responsible Reopening Plan. Phase 3 services are still limited to LPTS students and employees. And, it is our hope and prayer that Phase 3 library services will be available the rest of Spring semester, i.e. May 15 and we can slowly keep scaling up. The three new services for phase 3 are:
1) Study Carrels for Students Quiet Study Use - Complete this form to Request a Study Carrel; (12 select, socially distanced carrels)
2) Reference Room for 2-hr Quiet Study Use - Complete this form to Request Reference Room Access (24 hours advance notice of anticipated use is required, 6 people at a time in 2 hour blocks);
2) Daily Book Hub - Complete these forms for daily fulfillment of contact less pickup - Request Contactless Print Book Borrowing | Contactless Scanning (Print Reserve books may be borrowed for a week.)
Phase 3 Library Services Hours:
Mon, Tues - 10:00 am - 5:00 pm
Wed. Thurs - 10:00 am - 8:00 pm
Fri - 10:00 am - 5:00 pm
Every other Saturday: 10:00 am - 5:00 pm (March 6, 20, April 3, 17; May 1)
Digital Library Services: Access Spring Courses ETextbooks | Ask A Librarian | Remote Access to Research Databases | Borrow A Laptop/MacBook | With Much Love
In accordance with advice from Seminary Facilities, state and federal, including CDC guidelines the library building will continue to be locked. Patrons of Study Carrels, Reference Room, and Book Hub must still ring the door bell to be allowed into the building. Nobody will be allowed into the building without a confirmed appointment. Circulating collections and bound periodicals will be unavailable for browsing. We have calculated the numbers of patrons of these services to be in compliance with filtration and air quality requirements. Facilities will be disinfecting and defogging the common areas daily.
We are doing a lot with new and ambitious digital services to support the Seminary’s online instruction while also safely preparing for responsible reopening, redesigning old workflows, and more. Thank you for your support, patience, and understanding. We look forward to welcoming and seeing you back in the library.
To build up a library is to create life. It’s never just a random collection of books. - Carlos Maria Domingeuz (Argentine writer and journalist)
Anita, Bobi, Burton, Jill