May my teaching drop like the rain, my speech condense like the dew; like gentle rain on grass, like showers on new growth. Deuteronomy 32.2 (NRSV)
Dear LPTS Friends,
In March 2021, on the one year anniversary of COVID19, we launched Read. Live. Now.
A digital space with our writings about new books, updates to the
research databases, and more. We celebrate life even as we mourn the
lives lost. We bless the Ultimate, Divine Reality, Co-Creator of our
days, who gifts us with life, love, hope, and joy. Read. Live. Now.
we hope will inspire, and impart learning. May our writings be a
blessing. Enjoy the 6 newsy posts from the Librarians just for you!
- Bibliotherapy: Poetry Therapy of Therapeutic Storytelling
- New Ebooks Added (Faculty Requests)
- ATLA Religion Database's Focus on Asia
- Open Access Additions to ATLA Religion Database
- Trauma, Teaching and Learning (American Academy of Religion Spotlight on Teaching)
- A Poem About A Tree (inspired by our campus)