Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Student Librarians Training: A New Purpose

Training of Student Librarians – 03/20/2020 – A New Purpose

it is God who establishes us with you in Christ and has anointed us, by putting his seal on us and giving us his Spirit in our hearts as a first installment.

After experimenting with Microsoft Office 365 Teams and trying to get G-Suite (institutional a/c for education) I decided to use Google Docs-Sheets-Drive. This is what emerged as most familiar and we're also using Slack for library project management.

Introduction and Reframing / A Metaphor For Us:  The Great Depression's Book Mobiles often known as the Kentucky Horse Librarians were a part of the New Deal, Pack Horse Library Project.  The librarians, mostly women, brought books to impoverished Kentuckians, led read-alouds, and in the process increased the literacy, joy and comfort of a lot of Eastern Kentucky. As we move into the virtual world, we who are in and have been called to the helping professions already, bridging the human and the Divine, now have yet more ways to help people with our information literacy skills and services.  

1.      Training AgendaCollaborative Google Document [link redacted] – has the 1.5 hours training we offered student librarians with embedded links and commenting facilities.  For example, the COVID-19 initial response document from Library was fully shared and finalized only after ALL student trainings were completed.  Student input, besides library staff are documented here in Comments. Allow me to highlight Student Librarians work from home that’s on the agenda; this is where we discussed what exactly will they be doing. Another linked doc Activities/Tasks is a Google Sheet.  Students Spring Schedules are in Sheet 1; in Sheet 2 Training Results, students identified some of the “new” tasks they will explore initially. Linked questionnaire/time-sheets may also be useful for you to look at – how we’ll support them.

Working from home - 30 mins. 

a.      “Work at home” “On Call” “If you leave Louisville, not eligible for pay”- Policies 

b.      Library Liaisons - Activities/Tasks [link redacted]

                                                        i.            Basic: Online Library Ambassadors

a. Introduce yourself and check in with your peers and faculty next week (optional) or later; 

b. Answer “library-related” reference, research, and electronic resources questions when they come to you;

                                                     ii.            Use Your Creativity - based on YOUR SKILLS and EXPERTISE to identify online presence tasks for the library –  e.g. social media team, 1 min video tutorials; resources lists/bibliography e.g. Online Pedagogy Resources for MFT, Divinity, MAR programs; Tutorial for evaluating information sources;

                                                   iii.            Tasks in the physical library; be prepared to come in once in a while;

                                                    iv.            Weekly Zoom meeting/check-in

c.       Complete the Questionnaire / Timesheet [links redacted]  - Reporting hours you’ve worked - Bobi 

First Task for Student Librarians:  Report on what you did/learned first week (via a shared Google doc/Zoom) or during a scheduled Zoom - Due: 03/27

2.      Tracking and sharing status of staff work here but students can see too: Patron Requests Weekly Worksheet/Log: [link redacted]

(needs a lot of updates as only 3 staff this week - super busy / in progress)