Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Thursday Treasures in the Time of #HealthyAtHome

Hello LPTS Learning Community!

I am sad, that the Library, like the rest of campus, is closed. I lament the inconvenience that no books can be borrowed during this time, printing done or course reserves scanned. But I am excited that our digital collections now have a chance to shine! Please check out the Library’s ebook collections and electronic resources through the newly created one-stop Digital Resources guide.  You will be surprised by what we have available for you to access and use from the comfort of your home.

I am also excited by how nimbly our library staff are working from home! This is impressive.  Please email your reference, electronic resource questions, and other library-related requests to library@lpts.edu. You can also use the Contact Us/Suggestions form on the library web. These come to all library staff. Someone will respond by email. We are using a shared Google Docs file to track and respond where you can view requests we’ve received, how we’re responding, and the status: https://tinyurl.com/lptslove

Our amazing team of student librarians excite me too. Again, working from home, they are in the process of creating fun video tutorials and pictorial guides to help us learn how to access the library resources remotely, open an ebook, and nore. I’ll keep you informed as these come online.

In the meantime, please join in my excitement! Check out our initial 2-page response to campus closing and move to online instruction, here:  https://tinyurl.com/lptscovid1

Thomas à Kempis (author of The Imitation of Christ) famously wrote, "I have sought tranquility in everything and found it nowhere except in a corner with a book." Thank you for helping all of us reclaim our peace and purpose anew by using the library online. I am excited for us as we brave new frontiers even more deeply and meaningful ways by delving into the digital treasures of our beloved library.

With much love and prayers for us during this time of #HealthyAtHome.
