Monday, August 3, 2020

Fall Course and Textbook Reserves

Course Reserves for Fall

Course reserve readings will be made available in CAMS. There will be no print course reserves, only electronic. Out of an abundance of caution and care, faculty have been asked to submit all course reserves requests for the entire semester before Aug. 14th, 2020.

Textbook Reserves for Fall

The 2-hour in-building reserve of textbooks is a service that the Library will not be able to offer in the Fall. The quarantine period required for books is 4 days between users. Electronic textbook reserves are being explored using the Fall Book List that was submitted by Aug. 14, 2020.

We want to support our faculty and student instructional and learning needs. The interim Electronic Textbooks access we’re hoping to facilitate this fall is described in this document on our intranet. 

Faculty have been asked to help the students and the library by

1) trying to keep the total cost of books that students will likely have to purchase to a minimum;
2) where possible, selecting books that are also available as e-books;
3) finalizing the list of book titles for their courses, if not already done, as soon as possible;
4) asking students to use their CARES or COVID19 funds to buy or rent books, especially in cases when the library does not have them. The Office of Student Engagement says they still have funds left and purchase of textbooks is a qualified use. Thanks!