In July 2020, shortly after finishing the Growing a Personal Anti-racist Voice and Identity study in which I had recommended Remnants by the Hardings, I realized that we did not have the book in our library! This is a wonderful read by the wife and daughter of Vincent Harding, a leader of the Civil Rights Movement of the 1950s. I am now happy to share that the ebook is now available via remote access from our library for your reading pleasure. Enjoy.
Freeney Harding, Rosemarie, and Rachel E Harding. Remnants : A Memoir of Spirit, Activism, and Mothering. Durham: Duke University Press, 2015.
A perfect ebook for our current climate of unrest and protest is Disciplined Hope by Prof. Craigo-Snell. It is available by remote access from the library's ebook Religion Collection (EBSCOHost).
Craigo-Snell, Shannon Nichole. Disciplined Hope : Prayer, Politics, and Resistance. Eugene, Oregon: Cascade Books, 2019.
Gender Studies Ebooks
In June 2020, the Society of Biblical Literature (SBL) showcased three SBL Press books on Gender Studies. Two of the three are available for remote access from our library as ebooks - one is in the ebook Religion Collection and the second title is in the eBook Collection. Both of these collections are licensed subscription databases which use the EBSCOHost interface. Check them out and we will let you know when the third one, which was published in 2020, is available as well. The book descriptions are from the SBL.
Hornsby, Teresa J, and Ken Stone. Bible Trouble : Queer Reading at the Boundaries of Biblical Scholarship. Society of Biblical Literature : Semeia Studies, No. 67. Atlanta: Society of Biblical Literature, 2011.
The essays in Bible Trouble all engage queer theories for purposes of biblical interpretation. The title phrase “Bible Trouble” plays on Judith Butler’s Gender Trouble, gesturing toward a primary text for contemporary queer theory. The essays consider, among others, the Lazarus story, the Ethiopian eunuch, “gender trouble” in Judges 4 and 5, the Song of Songs, and an unorthodox coupling of the books of Samuel and the film Paris Is Burning. This volume “troubles” not only the boundaries between biblical scholarship and queer theory but also the boundaries between different frameworks currently used in the analysis of biblical literature, including sexuality, gender, race, class, history, and literature.
Gillian Townsley. The Straight Mind in Corinth : Queer Readings Across 1 Corinthians 11:2-16. Semeia Studies. Atlanta: SBL Press, 2017.
Despite its lack of both historical and exegetical clarity, 1 Corinthians 11:2–16 has often been fundamental to understandings of gender and sexuality in many Christian traditions. In particular, a hierarchical model of gender and a heterosexual model of sexuality tend to dominate and are presented as “natural” and “God-ordained.” With the materialist lesbian theory of Monique Wittig providing the theoretical basis for discussion, this book intersects various biblical, theological, and queer lines of inquiry across 1 Corinthians 11:2–16 in order to reveal and challenge these models of gender and sexuality that lie behind both the text itself and its various interpretations.
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