Friday, August 28, 2020

Welcome Back Returning Students / Help Us Test the New Appointment Scheduler


Dear Students,

A warm welcome as a hot summer continues and we begin preparations for the fall semester. This week, I started praying for each of you by name for success, peace, and God’s blessings and provision for all that you need. This is a quick note about new ways to engage with librarians and a request to help us test them out!

The building and its collections remain closed but remote access to electronic resources and services are running 24/7. We continue to improve With Much Love, the new library portal. Excitingly, we have started rolling out easy new ways for you to get in touch with us to get library-related help, besides just emailing us. These include:

  • Chat With Us / Ask Us
  • Appointment Scheduler 

Would you please help me by testing the appointment scheduler? It is on the Help Desk. You can cancel the appointment if you don’t really need it. Chat will be LIVE during Open Online Office hours - three days a week M, W, Th during the noon hour. When Chat is Offline your question will be sent by email for us to answer. The Q& A then becomes a part of the Lib Answers knowledge base/FAQ.  More information and videos on all this will be coming soon.

I loved going to the library. It was the first time I ever saw Black newspapers and magazines like JET, Ebony, the Baltimore Afro-American, or the Chicago Defender. And I’ll never forget my librarian.John Robert Lewis, March: Book One

Come, visit the library online and I will look forward to seeing you soon in real time there too!