Friday, August 14, 2020

Safe Reopening Plans

Since April 2020, we have been planning for safe reopening. One thing is now certain: Library services will be provided in phases.

First Phase
In the first phase, in support of the Seminary’s online instruction, the library will continue digital services, including remote access, fully online Course and eTextbook Reserves, orientations, instruction, research consultations, and the Help Desk ( 

Continuing students who need printed books for their courses are encouraged to contact the Student Office which administers the CARES funds. Contact: Gina Kuzuoka. Student Assistance Funds to help with costs associated with learning  technology and access ($300 maximum) for all students are also available. Contact Jessica Bowman.

In this first phase, the building and its print collections will be open only to library staff only. Library staff will deliver digital Electronic Course Reserves, Electronic Textbook Reserves, and plan for new and enhanced library services to support online instruction. Starting in September, we are planning to offer Online Open Office Hours via LIVE CHAT on three days a week from noon to 1 pm. Chats, workshops and consultations are being tested as also contact-less borrowing.
Second Phase
In October 2020, the library moved into the second phase of Safe and Responsible Reopening with Book Hub (contactless print book borrowing and scanning - once a week fulfillment) and in December, we opened the Reference Room for Quiet Study Use

Future Phases

In future phases, we hope to open the library building and its printed collections to current LPTS employees and students. We anticipate reduced hours, limited spaces, and continued contact less services. Besides conforming to Seminary guidelines, we are also monitoring state health guidelines, and testing results from the REALM project out of an abundance of caution and care. Reopening also depends on the library being fully staffed.
When will this happen? I want to check out print books and study in the library!

We miss you! We cannot wait for the time when we have patrons back in our beautiful library but safety and equity come first. The Seminary is now offering online learning and the library must support online learning needs of all students with Remote Access, Electronic Resources, teaching and similar services. We don't know when exactly the building will open and book borrowing privileges will resume. Be assured we're working as creatively and as fast as we can to restore the traditional library services. 

Thanks for your support!

A complete list of our services and plans for responsible reopening of each one is available upon request.